component |
Customer |
description |
Represents a customer. |
start-flow |
Customer-flows |
type |
external |
section |
IB Actions |
Actions related to IB. |
action |
skipped-login |
Simulate a custommer which is already logged in. |
action |
click-login-button |
Customer clicks on the login button. |
action |
click-logout-button |
Customer clicks on the logout button. |
action |
login-invalid |
The login was incorrect.` |
action |
in-main-menu |
Customer is in the main menu. |
action |
Customer is in the sub menu account. |
action |
Customer is in the sub menu loan. |
action |
Customer is in the sub menu card. |
action |
transfer-other |
Customer wants to transfer money to another account (from checking). |
action |
transfer-checking |
Customer wants to transfer money to checking account (from saving). |
action |
transfer-saving |
Customer wants to transfer money to saving account (from checking). |
action |
transfer-failed |
Something went wrong (e.g. in the cloud). |
action |
transferred |
The money has been transferred. |
action |
card-withdraw |
Customer wants to withdraw from a credit/debit card. |
action |
card-withdrawed |
Money was withdrawed from a credit/debit card. |
action |
card-repay |
Customer wants to repay to a credit/debit card. |
action |
card-repaid |
Money was repaid to a credit/debit card. |
action |
card-lost |
Customer lost a card and is being blocked. |
action |
card-found |
Customer found a card and is being released. |
action |
card-blocked |
The customer card has been bocked (cannot be used anymore). |
action |
card-block-failed |
The customer card cannot be blocked, contact support. |
action |
card-released |
The customer card has been released (can be used again). |
action |
card-release-failed |
The customer card cannot be released, request new via support. |
action |
personal-withdraw |
Customer wants to withdraw from a personal loan. |
action |
personal-withdrawed |
Money was withdrawed from a personal loan. |
action |
get-trans-card |
The customer want to retreve the card transtions. |
action |
get-trans-checking |
The customer want to retreve the checking transtions. |
action |
get-trans-saving |
The customer want to retreve the saving transtions. |
action |
get-trans-personal |
The customer want to retreve the personal loan transtions. |
action |
get-trans-mortgage |
The customer want to retreve the mortgage transtions. |
action |
show-transactions |
A list with transaction is shown. |
action |
closes-browser |
Customer decides to stop. |
action |
personal-repay |
Customer wants to repay(part of) to a personal loan. |
action |
personal-repaid |
Money was repaid(part of) a personal loan. |
action |
mortgage-repay |
Customer wants to repay(part of) to a mortgage. |
action |
mortgage-repaid |
Money was repaid(part of) a mortgage. |
action |
amount-too-little |
The amount to repay does not reach the minimum required. |
action |
amount-too-much |
The amount to repay is more than the maximum allowed. |
action |
card-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the credit/debit card. |
action |
checking-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the checking account. |
action |
personal-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the personal loan. |
action |
saving-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the saving account. |
section |
ATM Actions |
Actions related to ATM banking. |
action |
Customer is in the atm menu. |
action |
skipped-authorize |
Simulate a custommer which is already authorized (pass inserted, validated and authorized). |
action |
inserts-card |
Customer inserts card into ATM. |
action |
card-returned |
The card is returned to the customer. |
action |
card-gone |
The card is not returned, and shown to be fradulet. |
action |
customer-leaves |
Custommer leaves, e.g. ready or failed. |
action |
enter-pin-code |
Customr enters the pin code. |
action |
retry-authorization |
Authorization failed, retry. |
action |
take-cash |
Customer take money out of the ATM |
action |
insert-cash |
Customer inserts moey into the ATM |
section |
Terminal Actions |
Actions related to terminal banking. |
action |
give-cash |
The customer gives a cash amount |
action |
pay-via-chip |
Customer uses card with chip |
action |
pay-contacless |
Customer uses the contactless method |
action |
pay-mobile |
Customer uses a mobile with NFC method |
action |
taps-card |
Customer taps the card for contactless payment |
action |
taps-mobile |
Customer taps the mobile for mobile payment |
action |
enter-pin |
Customer enters pin on e.g. atm or terminal |
action |
enter-pin-on-mob |
Customer enters pin on its mobile |
action |
pay-different |
Customer needs to pay differently |
section |
WebShop Actions |
Actions related to web-shop banking. |
action |
order-paid |
The customer paid the orderr |
action |
waits-for-goods |
The customer waits for the goods |
action |
happy-customer |
The customer is happy with the goods |
action |
click-login-button |
Customer clicks on the login button. |
message |
get-login |
Customer click on login on the HomePage. |
action |
skipped-login |
Simulate a custommer which is already logged in. |
action |
click-login-button |
Customer clicks on the login button. |
message |
get-login |
Customer click on login on the HomePage. |
message |
rsp-display-login |
Displays the login page |
message |
post-key-usr-pwd |
Receive Key, Username and Password |
message |
rsp-display-login |
Displays the login page |
message |
rsp-valid-customer |
The customer is valid |
message |
rsp-invalid-customer |
The customer is invalid |
action |
login-invalid |
The login was incorrect.` |
message |
rsp-invalid-customer |
The customer is invalid |
action |
login-invalid |
The login was incorrect.` |
action |
in-main-menu |
Customer is in the main menu. |
action |
Customer is in the sub menu account. |
action |
get-trans-checking |
The customer want to retreve the checking transtions. |
message |
get-transactions |
Custommer requested a list of transactions |
action |
transfer-other |
Customer wants to transfer money to another account (from checking). |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
action |
transfer-checking |
Customer wants to transfer money to checking account (from saving). |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
action |
get-trans-saving |
The customer want to retreve the saving transtions. |
message |
get-transactions |
Custommer requested a list of transactions |
action |
transfer-saving |
Customer wants to transfer money to saving account (from checking). |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
message |
rsp-transactions |
The information about the transacrions |
action |
show-transactions |
A list with transaction is shown. |
message |
rsp-transactions |
The information about the transacrions |
action |
show-transactions |
A list with transaction is shown. |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
transferred |
The money has been transferred. |
message |
rsp-no-balance |
There is not enough balance on the specified account |
action |
checking-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the checking account. |
message |
rsp-no-balance |
There is not enough balance on the specified account |
action |
saving-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the saving account. |
message |
rsp-cloud-failure |
Something went wrong in the cloud |
action |
transfer-failed |
Something went wrong (e.g. in the cloud). |
action |
Customer is in the sub menu loan. |
action |
get-trans-personal |
The customer want to retreve the personal loan transtions. |
message |
get-transactions |
Custommer requested a list of transactions |
action |
personal-withdraw |
Customer wants to withdraw from a personal loan. |
message |
post-withdraw |
Customer request a withdraw from the specified account |
action |
personal-repay |
Customer wants to repay(part of) to a personal loan. |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
personal-repaid |
Money was repaid(part of) a personal loan. |
action |
get-trans-mortgage |
The customer want to retreve the mortgage transtions. |
message |
get-transactions |
Custommer requested a list of transactions |
action |
mortgage-repay |
Customer wants to repay(part of) to a mortgage. |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
mortgage-repaid |
Money was repaid(part of) a mortgage. |
message |
rsp-too-little |
The amount is too litle to reach the minimum amount |
action |
amount-too-little |
The amount to repay does not reach the minimum required. |
message |
rsp-too-much |
The amount goes over the maximum amount od repayingt |
action |
amount-too-much |
The amount to repay is more than the maximum allowed. |
message |
rsp-transactions |
The information about the transacrions |
action |
show-transactions |
A list with transaction is shown. |
message |
rsp-transactions |
The information about the transacrions |
action |
show-transactions |
A list with transaction is shown. |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
personal-withdrawed |
Money was withdrawed from a personal loan. |
message |
rsp-no-balance |
There is not enough balance on the specified account |
action |
personal-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the personal loan. |
action |
Customer is in the sub menu card. |
action |
get-trans-card |
The customer want to retreve the card transtions. |
message |
get-transactions |
Custommer requested a list of transactions |
action |
card-withdraw |
Customer wants to withdraw from a credit/debit card. |
message |
post-withdraw |
Customer request a withdraw from the specified account |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
card-withdrawed |
Money was withdrawed from a credit/debit card. |
message |
rsp-no-balance |
There is not enough balance on the specified account |
action |
card-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the credit/debit card. |
action |
card-repay |
Customer wants to repay to a credit/debit card. |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
card-repaid |
Money was repaid to a credit/debit card. |
action |
card-lost |
Customer lost a card and is being blocked. |
message |
post-card-change |
Customer request a change for a card |
message |
rsp-card-changed |
The card properties change result |
action |
card-blocked |
The customer card has been bocked (cannot be used anymore). |
message |
rsp-card-no-change |
Card property could not be changed |
action |
card-block-failed |
The customer card cannot be blocked, contact support. |
action |
card-found |
Customer found a card and is being released. |
message |
post-card-change |
Customer request a change for a card |
message |
rsp-card-changed |
The card properties change result |
action |
card-released |
The customer card has been released (can be used again). |
message |
rsp-card-no-change |
Card property could not be changed |
action |
card-release-failed |
The customer card cannot be released, request new via support. |
action |
click-logout-button |
Customer clicks on the logout button. |
action |
click-logout-button |
Customer clicks on the logout button. |
action |
closes-browser |
Customer decides to stop. |
action |
inserts-card |
Customer inserts card into ATM. |
message |
validate-card |
A card need to be validated |
action |
Customer is in the atm menu. |
action |
skipped-authorize |
Simulate a custommer which is already authorized (pass inserted, validated and authorized). |
action |
retry-authorization |
Authorization failed, retry. |
message |
authorize |
The customer has given its pin/password to authorize himself |
message |
card-valid |
The card is valid |
action |
enter-pin-code |
Customr enters the pin code. |
message |
authorize |
The customer has given its pin/password to authorize himself |
message |
card-invalid |
The card is invalid, e.g. cannot be read |
action |
card-returned |
The card is returned to the customer. |
message |
card-fraudulent |
The card is marked as fraudulent and will be confiscated |
action |
card-gone |
The card is not returned, and shown to be fradulet. |
action |
customer-leaves |
Custommer leaves, e.g. ready or failed. |
message |
card-invalid |
The card is invalid, e.g. cannot be read |
message |
auth-valid |
The authorization is valid |
message |
auth-invalid |
The authorization is invalid |
message |
display-balance |
The customer wants to see the balance. |
message |
balance-displayed |
The ATM shows the balance |
message |
withdraw-cash |
The customer wants to withdraw cash |
message |
withdraw-successful |
The withdraw was accepted. |
action |
take-cash |
Customer take money out of the ATM |
message |
insuf-balance |
The customer does not have enough balance to withdraw |
action |
checking-no-balance |
Not enough balance on the checking account. |
action |
insert-cash |
Customer inserts moey into the ATM |
message |
deposit-cash |
The customer wants to deposit cash |
message |
confirm-amount |
The counted cash needs to be confirmed by the customer |
message |
amount-confirmed |
The customer agrees with the amount counted |
message |
confirm-amount |
The counted cash needs to be confirmed by the customer |
message |
abort-deposit |
The customer aborts the deposit |
message |
deposit-aborted |
The deposit is aborted and the money is returned |
action |
take-cash |
Customer take money out of the ATM |
message |
deposit-successful |
The deposit was successfully handled |
message |
deposit-failed |
The deposit failed for some reason |
message |
not-enough-cash |
The customer does not have enough cash for the withdrawal |
message |
out-of-order |
The ATM is now out of order |
action |
card-returned |
The card is returned to the customer. |
action |
customer-leaves |
Custommer leaves, e.g. ready or failed. |
message |
choose-method |
The customer needs to choose a payment method. |
action |
give-cash |
The customer gives a cash amount |
message |
chooses-cash |
The customer chooses to pay with cash. |
message |
choose-method |
The customer needs to choose a payment method. |
message |
chooses-terminal |
The customer chooses the electronic payment terminal. |
message |
show-amount |
The amount to pay is shown |
action |
inserts-card |
Customer inserts card into ATM. |
message |
method-chosen |
The chosen method |
message |
card-valid |
The card is valid |
action |
enter-pin |
Customer enters pin on e.g. atm or terminal |
message |
validate-pin |
The pin code is to be validated |
message |
card-invalid |
The card is invalid, e.g. cannot be read |
action |
pay-different |
Customer needs to pay differently |
action |
taps-card |
Customer taps the card for contactless payment |
message |
method-chosen |
The chosen method |
message |
contactless-failed |
The contact-less payment failed |
action |
pay-different |
Customer needs to pay differently |
message |
confirm-pin |
The customer needs to confirm the pin-code |
action |
enter-pin |
Customer enters pin on e.g. atm or terminal |
message |
validate-pin |
The pin code is to be validated |
action |
taps-mobile |
Customer taps the mobile for mobile payment |
message |
method-chosen |
The chosen method |
message |
mobile-failed |
The mobile payment failed |
action |
pay-different |
Customer needs to pay differently |
message |
confirm-pin |
The customer needs to confirm the pin-code |
action |
enter-pin-on-mob |
Customer enters pin on its mobile |
message |
validate-pin |
The pin code is to be validated |
message |
paid |
The customer paid his bill |
action |
customer-leaves |
Custommer leaves, e.g. ready or failed. |
message |
insuf-balance |
The customer does not have enough balance to withdraw |
action |
pay-different |
Customer needs to pay differently |
message |
pin-invalid |
The pin code was wrong |
action |
pay-different |
Customer needs to pay differently |
message |
change+bill |
The customer receives change and the bill |
action |
customer-leaves |
Custommer leaves, e.g. ready or failed. |
message |
show-amount |
The amount to pay is shown |
message |
customer-agrees |
The customer agrees with the order (and amount) |
message |
show-amount |
The amount to pay is shown |
message |
customer-rejects |
The customer is not satisfied with the amount and aborts the order |
message |
send-invoice |
The invoice is send to the customer |
action |
order-paid |
The customer paid the orderr |
action |
waits-for-goods |
The customer waits for the goods |
message |
ship-goods |
The goods are being shipped to the customer |
action |
happy-customer |
The customer is happy with the goods |
message |
rsp-valid-customer |
The customer is valid |
message |
post-transfer |
Customer request to transfer money from one accoun to another, see action |
message |
rsp-invalid-customer |
The customer is invalid |
action |
login-invalid |
The login was incorrect.` |
message |
get-login |
Customer click on login on the HomePage. |
message |
rsp-invalid-customer |
The customer is invalid |
action |
login-invalid |
The login was incorrect.` |
message |
rsp-transferred |
The money has been transferred |
action |
transferred |
The money has been transferred. |
message |
post-abandom-transfer |
The transfer was abandomed |
action |
closes-browser |
Customer decides to stop. |