Name Description
ABOR abort previous command
ACCT specify account (ignored)
ACK Acknowledgment
ADAT send an authentication protocol message
ALLO allocate storage (vacuously)
APPE append to a file
AUTH specify an authentication protocol to be performed
CCC set the command channel protection mode to 'Clear' (no protection). Only available if the -c command-line option was given.
CDUP change to parent of current working directory
CHMOD change mode of a file. E.g., SITE CHMOD 755 filename
CWD change working directory
DATA Used to denote data being transmittednothing (no ack).
DATA+ACK Used to denote data with implicit ack.
DELE delete a file
ENC send a privacy and integrity protected command (given in argument)
FIN No more data from sender
FIN+ACK The FINished msg to tell the connection is being closed.
HELP give help information
HELP give help information. E.g., SITE HELP
IDLE set idle-timer. E.g., SITE IDLE 60
Invoke-login Invocation by telnetd, with std[in|out|err] mapped, uses pty.
Invoke-shell Invokes user shell.
LIST give list files in a directory (''ls -lgA'')
MDTM show last modification time of file
MIC send an integrity protected command (given in argument)
MKD make a directory
MODE specify data transfer mode
NLST give name list of files in directory
NOOP do nothing
PASS specify password
PASV prepare for server-to-server transfer
PBSZ specify a protection buffer size
PORT specify data connection port
PROT specify a protection level under which to protect data transfers
PWD print the current working directory
QUIT terminate session
REST restart incomplete transfer
RETR retrieve a file
RMD remove a directory
RNFR specify rename-from file name
RNTO specify rename-to file name
RST Reset the connection
SITE non-standard commands (see next section)
SIZE return size of file
STAT return status of server
STOR store a file
STOU store a file with a unique name
STRU specify data transfer structure
SYN Synchronize sequence numbers
SYN+ACK An accepted synchronization or connetion.
SYST show operating system type of server system
TYPE specify data transfer type
UMASK change umask. E.g., SITE UMASK 002
USER specify user name
XCUP change to parent of current working directory (deprecated)
XCWD change working directory (deprecated)
XMKD make a directory (deprecated)
XPWD print the current working directory (deprecated)
XRMD remove a directory (deprecated)
eof Special message to indicate End Of File
stderr The error stream.
stdin The input stream.
stdout The output stream.
tcp-cl-close API call to initate session shutdown.
tcp-cl-closed Informs APP that connection is closed.
tcp-cl-connect API call to initiate a connection towards the server.
tcp-cl-connected Informs APP that connnection succeeded.
tcp-cl-failed Informs APP that connection failed
tcp-cl-receive Return received data the app.
tcp-cl-send API calls to send date to the server.
All 70 entities shown